Relationship between Marital Adjustment and Irrational Beliefs in Women and Non-cosmetic Surgery

Soraya Gonji, Abolghasem Khoshkonesh, Taghi Pourebrahim

Soraya Gonji1,*, Abolghasem Khoshkonesh2, Taghi Pourebrahim2

1Family counseling, Shahid Behehsti University, Tehran, Iran;

2Department of Counselling, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

*Corresponding Author.
Tel: 021 88200094; E-mail:

Received: Febraury 25, 2016; Accepted: April 13, 2016; Published: April 19, 2016

Citation: Gonji S, Khoshkonesh A, Pourebrahim T, Relationship between Marital Adjustment and Irrational Beliefs in Women and Non-cosmetic Surgery. Electronic J Biol, 12:2

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This study aimed to investigate and compare relationship marital adjustment and irrational beliefs of women with and without cosmetic surgery. This study is kind of comparative and correlative ones. The population of the study consisted of all women with and without cosmetic surgery in Tehran city and the sampling method was purposeful and convenient. The sample was 208 people include 100 women with cosmetic surgery and 100 women without cosmetic surgery. The instruments of this study include Spanier's marital adjustment (1976) and irrational marital beliefs of Jones (DAS). The data of the study analyzed after extraction for two groups with analysis of variance and multiple regression of independent t test. The results showed that quantity of irrational beliefs of women with cosmetic surgery is more than women without cosmetic surgery. In addition results indicated that quantity marital adjustment of women without cosmetic surgery is more than women with cosmetic surgery.


Marital adjustment; Irrational beliefs; Cosmetic surgery.

1. Introduction

Marriage and family life has been approved as the most important and the most awesome social tradition to achieve emotional and safety needs of older persons. Marriage relationship is complex, elegant and dynamic which is special feature also according to family, healthy environment and constructive, cordial relations and interactions that can lead to the development of the goals and marriage needs. But there is clear evidence that couples, in contemporary society, experience severe and pervasive difficulties in establishing and maintaining romantic relationships and intimate. In fact, the problem of marital conflict is due to referral for mental health care than any other category of psychology [1].

Approaches to resolve marital disputes, conflicts and tensions have been proposed in relations between couple husband and wife as result of inadequate skills in communication or due to their inability to eliminate or reduce the resolution of new effective interpersonal relationships in family, promotion of appropriate communication, development and family cohesion and understanding of each other's emotional needs and growth, and ultimately, entire families.

The problem of marital adjustment and the search for its causes is not necessarily in the form of some sort of psychological services for couples that interpersonal difficulties and lack of appropriate conduct prevents the continuation of optimal and productive life and relationships and life satisfaction [1]. Among all of the factors that affect the family disintegration, according to reports is irrational beliefs and perfectionist [2]. Also Berdrten and Ellis [3] suggested that irrational beliefs are primary cause of differences in social relations and especially the couple's relationship. Evidence indicates the fact that the cognitive mechanisms, fitness and affect marital satisfaction. Based on cognitive-behavioral theory, we can conclude that married life is not protected against irrational beliefs [1].

In this regard, one of the most effective ways to investigate the irrational beliefs is cognitivebehavioral and communication problems. Cognitivebehavioral therapy was began with the basic premise that mental illnesses and disorders of false identification, false beliefs, and attitudes due to be wrong is one of the misconceptions people.

Self-image is people of their appearance that people have of themselves, dialogue and conversation that any person with himself and messages that the person comes from the community. Here comes the awareness of the knowledge resulting from imagery that others and the person who turns to plastic surgery, referral criteria for these actions based on the picture he sees that others have. Today, body image which mediates individual and social world is social and cultural phenomenon which has become full of symbols and meanings, and people under influence of the media to be guided opportunities that previously did not have chance to meet with them.

As well as the manipulation of physical power that has the potential to change unlimited social scientists have found that people aesthetics with features such as intelligence, competence, pleasant and social acceptability and relevance answer sometimes surgery to remove the unhappiness of their appearance and sometimes increases selfesteem. Low self-esteem and negative body image usually stress that individuals are looking for person coping strategies to overcome specific uses which in turn leads to dissatisfaction with spouse and the influx of negative thoughts and obsessive person.

Because women attach more importance to beauty more extreme behaviors may demonstrate compliance with beautifully patterns. In Iran, at least 16 billion dollars a year is spent on cosmetic procedures [4]. Intense fear of negative evaluation by others lead to dissatisfaction with body image and one with two main questions to challenge; first because I value my physical appearance is affected by people? And second whether my appearance is unacceptable? [5]. Working people throughout the life of their efforts in this direction is what it's like to show them in the best way possible. Physical appearance has effect on others [6].Thus, it can indicate that cosmetic surgery volunteers their physical appearance satisfied little and more likely to seek confirmation of surroundings and may feel less valuable. Body image is complex and multidimensional concept that at least the aspects of cognitive, emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects of physical experience. Cosmetic surgery candidates due to negative body image because they do not know their pleasant others are trying to overcome this problem by performing plastic surgery.

In other words, these people think that cosmetic surgery feel good with body image acquire and this leads to increased self-esteem, satisfaction, psychological, interpersonal,self-worth and social satisfaction [7]. Negative body image can cause sexual dysfunction. Safe sex and marital satisfaction and adjustment are an important role and are one of the aspects of marital adjustment [8]. Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of the problem should be identified and evaluated with clinical tools to improve individual and release from mental health problems.

This study will investigate the relationship between irrational beliefs and marital adjustment and its role in women's motivating for cosmetic surgery. The current increasing rate of divorce in society and discontent couple of each other and their role is to attempt to cosmetic surgery would cause high costs and complications that need to address and resolve the issue rose in this study.

The importance of the family in an effort to develop close relationships, love, understanding and promote the compatibility and satisfying psychological needs are summarized in one word, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and cognitive patterns of interpersonal communication - especially for couples - to play a constructive role. There, scientists thought become fundamental pillar of human behavior knows, Beck's theory about emotional disorders suggests that the first component of such abnormalities presence [9]. Thinking, feeling, and determines the change in thinking will follow changes in emotions [10]. Lazarus believes that only stress does not cause mental disorder, but its interpretation by individual evaluation of the disease is essential [11]. Irrational beliefs leads to neurosis and tendency to perfectionism and the absolutism leads to communication patterns that make it difficult to continue relationship [12].

In this regard, often perfectionism leads to dissatisfaction of the face and the body. That is why beauty of natural inclinations of man's tendency to consistently and by any means follow it. But in the case of cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery after the end of World War I was the first operation to treat the war wounded who suffered serious injuries in the region had been that carried out since 1920; patients who had a birth defect or defects apparent were undergoing cosmetic plastic surgery. In World War II, Chinese soldiers to change their faces were undergoing cosmetic plastic surgery. Since then, the number of cosmetic plastic surgery applications is increasing among people with variety of ways to enhance their figures [13].

Statistics show that in the last 15 years the number of consumers of cosmetic surgery, cosmetic plastic applicants were 70%. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Kurds, 80% of surgeries performed in 1999 women [14]. In Iran plastic surgery in the presence of 7 specialty surgeons began about 50 years ago. Among the various operations aimed at beauty that includes the most common plastic surgery procedures such as surgery drooping eyelids, neck, face, hair transplantation, liposuction, breast implants and is, at least in cosmetic surgery of the nose, Iran has been ranked first in 2010 [15]. After Iran, America, and the UK and to some extent France are next in line. Psychologists believe that the spread of bad cosmetic surgery in a society where people are affected by cognitive and emotional motivations. Emotional needs of young people in particular need to be considered as being in the society, the main purpose of business is artificial beauty.

The reference groups have failed to help young people to recognize their identity. The most apparent identity of each individual layer is so outstanding that marginalizes other dimensions of existence [16]. The researchers suggest that body image and self-esteem and motivation for cosmetic surgery candidates are related in general surgery and cosmetic procedures has increased sharply in recent years but still unconsciousness thoughts that followup processes of change body is not well understood.

Considering the above issues, the fundamental question in this study is whether marital and irrational beliefs can be related in women with cosmetic surgery?

2. Research Methodology

This study is kind of comparative and correlative ones.

2.1 Population and sampling

The study population consisted of all women with and without cosmetic surgery in Tehran city. According to the description of the sampling was purposeful and convenient. The sample was 208 people include 100 women with cosmetic surgery and 100 women without cosmetic surgery. The 8 research grounds were excluded. Sampling Exclusion criteria are as: congenital problems such as cleft lip and symptoms of addiction, psychiatric disorder, and divorced women.

2.2 Tool

Dyadic adjustment scale (DAS): 32 items for assessing the quality of marital satisfaction of spouses' marital relationship that was designed in 1976 by Spanier. Factor analysis showed that the scale measures four dimensions, the dimensions are: duet satisfaction level of satisfaction with various aspects of the relationship), correlation duet (of participation in joint activities), duet agreement (the agreement of the parties on the issues the marital relationship, such as finance, education, kids, etc.) and express love. The overall questionnaire scores between 0 and 151 variable that is equal to or greater than 100 means compatibility and scores of less than 100 means there is a problem in the marital relationship and the lack of consistency and understanding family.

In this Hasanshahi, Noori and Molavi [17] obtained alpha coefficient 0.92. Scale compatibility of couples at first with logical validity (validity) were studied also scale with the power to distinguish married couples and divorced in question, its validity has been shown to groups studied. The scale of the narrative is at the same time also with marital satisfaction scale. In research Mollazade Lak- correlation Wallace [18], to evaluate the validity, concurrent with the implementation of the questionnaire and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale correlation coefficient for 76 people the same pair of couples, 0.90.

Irrational beliefs test: Irrational beliefs test was made to measure irrational beliefs. IBT was prepared in 1968 by Jones. Most research on the relationship between irrational beliefs with emotional and behavioral actions in the field of mental health - have been emotionally, from this test were used. Irrational beliefs test has 10 parts from 100 items and one subscale. The validity of this test was done by Taghipur (2000) by using a sample of 106 students of Allameh Tabatabai University with mean age of 24.25. The results of this study showed that the validity of this test through Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.71; Bernard (1989) says reliability of irrational beliefs test is very good. The validity of this test is obtained in three ways: through association with a variety of tests to measure their emotional turmoil. Through correlation with other tests related to irrational beliefs, such as belief test (II) with behavioral tests (RBI).

Through testing sensitivity to changes in people's ideas by using Rational Emotive therapy has been created test. Smith and Zavarasky in several studies found that there is high correlation between test IBT and tests of emotional turmoil. In this research relationship between IBT and RBT was 0.71. This correlation tests such as test (test anxiety), (Beck Depression Inventory), (test status anger) were 0.70, 0.77, 0.55, 0.50, all of their significant are in 0.99.

2.3 Data analysis

In this study, data analysis and analysis of variance, independent t-, multiple regressions was used by using SPSS version 18.

3. Findings

According to the data, relationship between irrational beliefs (controlled internal-external control) with marital adjustment operation in the components blame own self and others with the value of -0.219 irresponsibility the amount emotional -0.329 hit due to the amount -0.204 avoid trouble with value - and helpless to change the amount -0.334 in 0.05 level is significant, so the null hypothesis (no relation between two variables) rejected and the research hypothesis (the relationship between two variables) is confirmed. In other words, the irrational beliefs (controlled internal-external control) with marital adjustment are related in women with cosmetic surgery and whatever irrational beliefs (controlled internal-external control) is higher; the rate of marital compatibility with cosmetic surgery is reduced and vice versa.

After reviewing the simple relationship between irrational beliefs (controlled internal-external control) with marital adjustment in women with cosmetic surgery multiple regression variables was used to determine the predictive most irrational belief (internal control - external control) in predicting marital adjustment of the same method that results is presented below (Tables 1 and 2).

Marital Satisfaction
Total Expression of love Reciprocal agreement Double Correlations Marital Satisfaction    
0.062 0.012 0.01 -0.119 0.302** Perfectionism Irrational Beliefs
-0.162 -0.117 -0.233* 0.095 0.105 Demand for approval  
-0.134 -0.152 -0.278* 0.237* 0.181 Expect too much from others
-0.219* -0.06 -0.205* -0.097 0.031 Blaming yourself and others
0.194 -0.144 -0.144 -0.159 0.055 Along with the failure to respond to distress
-0.329** -0.289 -0.454 0.244* 0.13 Emotional irresponsibility
-0.254 -0.24 -0.294** -0.051 0.255* According hit
-0.204* -0.258 0.373** 0.319** 0.198* Avoid the problem
0.133 0.108 0.129 -0.093 0.104 Dependence
-0.334** -0.292 -0.382** 0.146 0.021 Helplessness in the face of change

Table 1. The data analysis of the relationship between marital adjustment and irrational beliefs (control internal-external control) in women with cosmetic surgery.

Model Index Sum of square Df Mean of square F Sig.
1 Sources of changes 3509.376 10 3509.376 3.39 0.001
  Residual 9214.184 89 103.53    
  total 12723.56 99      

Table 2. The results of multivariate regression analysis marital adjustment of the irrational beliefs.

The results of the regression analysis above table shows that marital adjustment component regression of components of irrational beliefs (control internalexternal control) is statistically significant and explain these components are part of marital adjustment think other words this result shows that the regression coefficients are significant and there is insufficient evidence to support the hypothesis. In other words, irrational beliefs between the components (internal control, external control) there is a statistically significant relationship with marital adjustment (Table 3).

Sig. t Standardized coefficients Beta Non-standardized coefficients Predictor variable Dependent variable
      B standardized coefficients   Marital adjustment
0 9.964   15.381 153.251 Fixed effect Irrational beliefs
0.535 0.623 0.06 0.375 0.234 Perfectionism
0.675 0.421 0.05 0.291 0.122 Demand for approval
0.734 0.341 0.038 0.342 0.177 Expect too much from others
0.2 -1.291 -0.136 0.224 -0.289 Blaming yourself and others
0.298 -1.047 -0.103 0.331 0.347 Along with the failure to respond to distress
0.005 -2.889 -0.296 0.244 -0.703 Emotional irresponsibility
0.314 -1.013 -0.129 0.286 -0.289 According hit
0.313 -1.015 -0.105 0.305 -0.31 Avoid the problem
0.039 2.092 0.203 0.243 -0.509 Dependence
0.127 -1.54 -0.174 0.242 -0.372 Helplessness in the face of change
0.276 R2 0.525 1 1

Table 3. The results of multiple regression coefficients irrational beliefs marital adjustment of the components (internalexternal control).

According to the R² in the above table it can be concluded that irrational beliefs components (internal control, external control) is about 27.6% of the variance in the simulation model to explain marital adjustment. Beta value indicates the amount of variance model proposed predictor variables are the criterion. According to the same standard beta coefficients and explain the most important role on the marital irresponsibility emotional component of irrational beliefs (control internal-external control) so that with each unit change in the variance of irresponsibility emotional belief. Unreasonable (internal-control control outside) the size -0.296 change in marital adjustment variance of the score. And dependence components of irrational beliefs (internal-external control Control) also have significant role to 0.203 in explaining marital adjustment. In this model, other components have significant role in explaining marital adjustment.

4. Discussion and Conclusion

There is relationship between irrational beliefs (internal control, external control) in women with cosmetic surgery marital and the irrational beliefs (internal control, external control) is high, the rate of marital adjustment of women with cosmetic surgery is reduced and vice versa. The research findings are consistent with Hasan Shahi, Nouri, Mawlavi [17], Amini Khoei [19]; Solati [20]; Mohammadi [21], Soleymanian [22]; Tehrani [23].

Irrational beliefs that can lead to impaired relationships include. The most basic irrational beliefs that exist in relationships derived from the philosophy of "need" versus "willingness". Easily and very normal people instead of having feature in their relations expressed interest, although it features in the false self, others and the environment are required. People often believe that a happy life with them and with great feeling if the desired result is that the individual events. This irrational belief about marriage is great influence, irrational belief "dependence on others".

Their perfect love for others (more than usual) and does not always live in anxiety and see if this love 'necessary' is not fully depressed and withdrawn will provide impatience, people themselves, believe unreasonable to be able to handle problems that are not in their relations with others. The root of the irrational belief that emotions are unrealistic and undesirable really should not suffer from these feelings. Some couples believe that children insist to achieve a satisfactory relationship do not have to expose themselves to their failure.

Whenever person is seen harm in their lifetime, with the risk of renewed concerns about it and it’s not convinced that the ability to tolerate such a situation again and if he thinks that it may be repeated fear will happen and then someone anxious and alert (extreme care) to be converted. When such legal matters and issues that arise in relation to others, must in certain ways and certain and tolerance is inadequate in the face of events. When reality does not meet expectations, frightened and it will be catastrophic. If proper treatment is not ideal and person thinks that this situation is not only desirable but worse and miserable.

Or if own partner feels a little unkind or does not successfully complete it feels that horrible situation happened such people believing their problems within the marriage with his wife to consider disaster; sentenced produced; if the people who are grappling with this irrational belief noted that their partner does not assign a large value their perceived value and likely to be associated with chronic distress, loss of confidence, despair and suicide and homicide infected. Ellis introduced irrational belief as condemn destructive thinking styles participants also believe that people with external control. The others are external factors that can enhance their self-esteem and competence in these irrational beliefs much more strongly than others. People with these beliefs are possible to eliminate stress and anxiety and enhance their self-esteem turn to cosmetic surgery that but the cost and complications of this surgery will have something for them.

This study has some limitations which include:

• The possibility of providing honest answers from married women is not cosmetic surgery and cosmetic surgery

• The lack of generalizability of the results to other people due to limited statistical population.

• Due to the availability of population of validity will be reduced.

Also, this study has some suggestions which include:

• Marital about people who have done so changes in the body and their appearance.

• In future, investigate effect of family education in cosmetic surgery candidates.

• Investigate factors affecting people's willingness to cosmetic surgery in different segments of society.

• Investigate effect of marital and family training to enhance the reduction of irrational beliefs in a way people who are suffering from physical deformities

• Given that the quality of research on the relationship between couples in our society as well as the motivation for cosmetic surgery is low, therefore, researchers and thinkers on the subject seems to be a basic requirement.

• It is also recommended, governmental and nongovernmental organizations involved in social work in the direction of his research have paid special attention to this matter.


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