Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction of Primary Health Care Providers (behvarz)

Amin Rahmati, Mohammad Davood Mohebi

Published Date: 2016-12-07

Amin Rahmati1,*, Mohammad Davood Mohebi2

1 Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan Branch, Iran;

2 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Iran.

*Corresponding Author:
Tel: +98-9151965130

Received date: November 09, 2016; Accepted date: November 30, 2016; Published date: December 06, 2016

Citation: Rahmati A, Mohebi MD. Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction of Primary health care providers (behvarz). Electronic J Biol, 13:1

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Emotional intelligence is important feature of Primary health care providers (behvarz) to organize their emotions in interaction with others is an important role and social life, and especially job performance. Job satisfaction in health system employees are important factors in advancing the goals of health system that seems to be influenced by emotional intelligence. This study investigated the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of Primary health care providers (behvarz) who were employed in sisten region in Iran. Method of this was Crosssectional survey research analysis. The population consisted of all of Primary health care providers (behvarz) who have been employed and 94 people were selected by convenience sampling method. Sybryashryng's emotional intelligence questionnaire and Herzberg's job satisfaction questionnaire were used. To analyze data, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation was used. The results showed direct correlation between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of Primary health care providers (behvarz) in sisten region in Iran. So that employees with a higher emotional intelligence are more job satisfaction and job performance naturally better. It was also found that emotional intelligence of male Primary health care providers (behvarz) is more than female Primary health care providers (behvarz).


Emotional intelligence; Job satisfaction; Primary health care providers (behvarz).

1. Introduction

Factors affecting the growth and development of advanced societies illustrate that all these countries have had to efficient and effective improve the health of the country's Ministry of Health. Knowledge of staff working in primary health service providers including requirements for planning purposes in Ministry of Health [1].

By knowing of characteristics of personality, behavior and job satisfaction, the health care provider can provide more favorable conditions to attract and retain them. The Ministry of Health and by applying theoretical and practical training appropriate to duties assigned to health workers, thereby increasing their effectiveness in order to increase satisfaction index is global health.

Selection and appointment and planning to improve scientific level of health workers in health centers in order to provide the Iranian people are great people involved, should be full understanding of and satisfaction with their emotional intelligence [2].

Organizations including Ministry of Health, which is particularly important in all societies of sensitivity, more sensitive it is because internal operations exposed for all to see and judge it publicly, knows pace of changes and social progress needed essential to health and medical sector. The different research in this area can be identified shortcomings of existing shortcomings and pave way for resolving them. Emotional intelligence is one of the factors that can affect performance of health workers [3].

It means ability to receive instant emotional intelligence, assessment and expression of emotions, understanding, managing and using emotional information to guide their thoughts and actions. This is new attitude in relation to the progress of intelligence, emotional intelligence than Intelligence Quotient (IQ) more reliable predictor of individual's success in life and the workplace and cognitive intelligence alone cannot ensure adequate health, satisfaction and personal lives, man is not mere logic rather than emotion alone, but combination of both performance and ability to adapt to life challenges coherent, logical and emotional capabilities, in other words is incapable of reasoning without emotion and sentiment and emotion without reason blind [4].

Emotional intelligence is one important tool to measure the performance of was introduced by Goleman [5]. His perspective in Emotional Intelligence is as: capacity or ability to organize thoughts and feelings others to motivate themselves effectively control their emotions and its application in relations managers.

1.1 Dimensions of emotional intelligence Goleman argues as follows

1. Self-awareness includes features such as emotional awareness and self-confidence.

2. Self-regulation involves self-control, reliability and innovation.

3. Self-motivation includes, drives progress, innovation, optimism.

4. Empathy includes traits such as understanding others, political awareness.

5. Social skills include features influencing, conflict management, team capability [6].

Emotional intelligence is the latest evolution in field of understanding relationship between thought and emotion and kind of social intelligence and others including ability to control their emotions and use information differentiation between them, for strategy and adopting appropriate decisions in life [7].

Emotional intelligence is set of capabilities and skills that person for sustainability and success in life and equips capacity of perception, expression, understanding, use and management of their own and other’s emotions [8].

Lack of emotional competence and ability of individuals to achieve their potential open but then it is positive that emotional intelligence can be learned and is not genetically fixed, lower scores on variety of emotional intelligence is study and research is taken. Emotional intelligence for better progress on the job or accepting a leadership role is vital and research has shown that the skills and expertise alone does not reveal a brilliant performance, but high levels of emotional intelligence which led to success and progress [9]. The job is more complex, more critical importance of emotional intelligence. Each system has front and organizational conditions depth and sufficient human resources available to organizations efforts to create value fields as employees are the most valuable assets are concerned [10].

Since the front rank first class human resources in health care in rural health workers and their work environment as they are similar to the second floor after their job satisfaction as the first rural community health service providers and extension of special importance, rural society needs motivated health workers, so that they can be effective in educating people, building community health programs community [11]. Job satisfaction is an attitude that how people feel about their jobs in general or to show different aspects jobs [12].

Job prominent features within the five dimensions are as follows:

1. Satisfaction of job: Scope of tasks that employees are doing is interesting and provided opportunities for teaching and learning.

2. Satisfaction of superiors: The technical and managerial capabilities and their considerations to the interests of the staff of the show.

3. Satisfaction of colleagues: That the friendship, co-workers demonstrated the technical competence and support of partners of how their consent.

4. Satisfaction of promotion: Access to real opportunities for staff development.

5. Satisfaction of Incoming: Amount of salary, perceptual equality of rights and payment method to employee job satisfaction is influenced by individual factors such as age, sex, marital status, work experience, knows dependents [13].

Job satisfaction is positive emotion or experience of individual's conditioning and the outcome of job evaluation. This contributed greatly to people's physical and mental health, in terms of organization reflects the high level of job satisfaction, organizational climate is very favorable, leading to capture and maintenance of the employees.

Job satisfaction of a job evaluation as something, which reach or could reach important values provides job. So the time effectively assists organizations in order to achieve its goals, the first of their job satisfaction and secondly, that it is interested in their work [14].

Job satisfaction is a psychological factor and an emotional compatibility with jobs and employment conditions. This means that if a person's job to provide optimum pleasure, is satisfied with job, job satisfaction and joy in front of is not favorable to person begins to blame the job and modifying it comes back. If people are satisfied with their job so this condition causes more motivated to perform their duties after deciding cookies [15]. Employees who have high emotional intelligence, emotions and others better understand and identify with them and coordinate. The ability to understand feelings of others can help them that factors that create positive experiences negative emotions and company consultants are more aware. Knowledge of factors that creates feelings, understand the impact of these emotions enables workers with high emotional intelligence, good deeds do that affect job satisfaction, for example, employees with high emotional intelligence compared to workers with low emotional intelligence, face with pressures of work can become more consistent. This knowledge allows them to cope with stress and manage their emotional responses least be good strategy [16].

This study investigated the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of Primary health care providers (behvarz) who were employed in sisten region in Iran.

2. Method

This study is cross-sectional analysis.

2.1 The population, sampling, sampling methods

The study sample included 400 Primary health care providers (behvarz) who have been employed in sisten region in Iran that 94 people were selected by convenience sampling method.

2.2 Tools

• Sybryashryng's emotional intelligence questionnaire: It was presented by Sybryashryng that has 33 questions. It has components of emotional intelligence, selfawareness, self-control, social conscience and social skills. Mansouri used Sybryashryng's questionnaire in his study. That according to results obtained indicate that emotional intelligence test translated and normalized by him in the present study used the appropriate validity. To assess the reliability and validity of emotional intelligence and standardization Sybryashryng this has been translated by Mansour. Internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha test is calculated. It should be noted that this research is carried out and test the internal consistency of the subscales were calculated.

• Herzberg's job satisfaction questionnaire: It was developed by Dunnett in 1966 in the form of two-factor theory Herzberg is provided that includes motivational factors and health. The questionnaire contains 72 questions and each person their degree of agreement with each phrase with crosshairs on any of grades 1 to 7. The lowest grade one and grade seven agreements the agreements show them that questionnaire contains 36 questions, 36 questions, the job satisfaction and motivational factors and health factors are available. Overall job dissatisfaction is that each questionnaire is composed of two parts. The first part includes individual characteristics of subjects including sex, age, marital status, education and work experience and second part of the questionnaire to answer research questions which included 36 closed questions and use to measure them scale seven-point Likert. In this study, two parts have been used to describe data and data analysis.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, independent t-test and Pearson correlation were used for data analysis.

3. Results

Due to significance level in all variables is greater than 0.05 and all variables are normally distributed. It can be used to evaluate hypothesis of parametric methods.

Based on the results mentioned in Tables 1-3, Pearson correlation coefficient between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of health workers is employed and positive value is equal to 0.294. The test significant level equal to 0.010 which is less than 0.05 (Sig=0.010<0.05). So, with 95 percent of the null hypothesis is rejected and can say there is positive relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of Primary health care providers (behvarz).

Due to significance level of Pearson correlation Table 2 between all two-component emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of health workers employed, is less than 0.05. We can say there is significant relationship between them (Sig<0.05) and also the values of correlation coefficients are positive. So it can be said that among components of emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of Primary health care providers (behvarz) has significant positive relationship.

Variables Z Sig. Result
Emotional Intelligence 0.997 0.237 Normal
Consciousness 0.565 0.117 Normal
Self-control 1.065 0.206 Normal
self-motivation 1.305 0.066 Normal
social intelligence 0.437 0.327 Normal
Relations 0.915 0.623 Normal
Job Satisfaction 0.752 0.879 Normal
Health Factors 0.647 0.792 Normal
Policy Organization 0.723 0.657 Normal
The nature and administration and management 0.755 0.618 Normal
salary 0.837 0.468 Normal
Communication with colleagues 0.738 0.647 Normal
Job security 1.150 0.142 Normal
Motivational factors 0.499 0.797 Normal
Promotion 1.017 0.252 Normal
Professional development 0.847 0.469 Normal
Nature of work 0.538 0.934 Normal
Assigned responsibilities 0.631 0.820 Normal

Table 1. Results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.

  Variables Job satisfaction
Emotional intelligence Correlation 0.294
significance level (Sig.) 0.010
Number 94

Table 2. Pearson correlation test.

Variable Self-awareness Self-control Self-motivation Social intelligence Regulation of relations
Policy's Organization 0.217 0.291 0.214 0.222 0.218
The nature and administration and management 0.361 0.393 0.211 0.231 0.238
salary 0.311 0.506 0.401 0.252 0.277
Communication with colleagues 0.286 0.313 0.216 0.235 0.228
Job security 0.233 0.405 0.262 0.271 0.291
Promotion 0.289 0.296 0.246 0.262 0.278
Professional development 0.265 0.223 0.290 0.214 0.229
Nature of work 0.261 0.452 0.267 0.225 0.268
Assigned responsibilities 0.282 0.410 0.253 0.285 0.258
Health Factors 0.401 0.458 0.219 0.270 0.281
Motivational factors 0.243 0.369 0.216 0.291 0.224

Table 3. Pearson correlation test between components of emotional intelligence and job satisfaction.

4. Discussion and Conclusion

Meet needs of motivation to enhance quality of their work is one of the important topics of human resource management in organizations. According to this fundamental factor is role of human resources as one of the investment managers with value. Since labor productivity is always based on economic calculations predictable numerous other factors are involved in this field that arose from the needs of the social dimensions of human superiority, respect, self-direction is same as results showed emotionally intelligent employees are more likely to have job satisfaction because they evaluate and regulate their own emotions and emotional intelligence of employees with less than friendly. Intelligence Quotient (Emotional Intelligence) can be created and pleasant working environment and impacts on employee job satisfaction and organizational development jobs. For high emotional intelligence makes Mlkrdvdrk and job satisfaction increased understanding of strategic direction and positive role to reduce staffs' problems [17]. Since human capital, the most critical element and basic strategy is the best way to increase efficiency of organization, so loyal and capable workforce to communicate and satisfied with work, which is currently beyond the prescribed duties in job description of activity is important factor in effectiveness of organization.

Existence of such a force in the organization, not only leads to increased level of absenteeism rate and delay and leave the service and down performance, but also reputation of good community organization can make also fortunate that provides growth and development. Emotional intelligence is the impact on workplace experience, people who have developed emotional intelligence and be able to establish group tasks together, will be a good fellows, the other hand seems to have the ability to coordinate with other staff and the impact on them a remarkable skill for managers.

Results of Hanzaee et al. [18] showed that negative and significant relationship between job stress and job compatibility between emotional intelligence and its components had significant positive correlation was observed with job adjustment results of analysis showed that job stress and emotional intelligence, predictive power significant employment adjustment and the dimensions of emotional intelligence as well as the excitement had the ability to predict job compatibles. Limitations in the research project report helps realistic picture of the results of the study will be provided.

This makes the reader and reviewer study finds that due to problems we have been trying to do research so evaluation and judgment will be more reasonable and fair. Of the constraints and obstacles in the path of this research were as follows:

1. The lack of cooperation of some health workers in completing the questionnaire, and

2. Lack of access to all Primary health care providers (behvarz).

5. Suggestions

1. The various training courses and workshops for Primary health care providers (behvarz) in the field of life skills, including emotional Intelligence.

2. Preparation of written instructions applicable resources in the field of education and functional components of emotional intelligence employees.

3. Anger and anxiety control training techniques and proper feedback to Primary health care providers (behvarz) in the field of self-control and self-awareness.

4. With an emphasis on identifying and distinguishing the appropriate emotions and rational thoughts with inappropriate feelings and irrational thoughts on Primary health care providers (behvarz).


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