
Antimicrobial Resistance: A Tale of the Past becomes a Terror for the Present

Multidrug resistance is a state of insensitivity or resistance (natural or acquired) of a microorganism to the administered antimicrobial drug, making these drugs ineffective. At present, Antimicrobial Resistance has become a global crisis endangering the efficacy of antibiotics which had once transformed the medical history, saving millions of lives. In accordance to WHO report, the treatment regime for diseases like Tuberculosis, HIV, Influenza, Pneumonia etc. have become ineffective due to the emergence of resistant mutant strains. This review focuses on the mechanism, growing risk, causes of MDR and possible alternatives which could be the major need in the present scenario.


Pinky Sarmah, Meria M Dan, Dattatreya Adapa

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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